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The Homepage for Chess Enthusiasts

Chess is a two-player game that was invented over 1,300 years ago.  Chess is played on an 8x8 board, with each side having 16 pieces.  In chess, there are six different classes of pieces.  Each class serves a different function and has different rules onto how it can move and capture opponent pieces.  These classes are:
  • Pawns - there are eight paws per side.  They can move forward one space at a time.  They can capture pieces one square in front of them and one square to the right or left.

  • Rooks - there are two rooks per side.  Rooks can move any number of unencumbered spaces horizontally or vertically.

  • Knights - there are two knights per side.  Knights may move over existing pieces.  They move in an L shape - two squares one direction, and one square an orthogonal direction.

  • Bishops - there are two bishops per side.  Bishops can move any number of unencumbered spaces diagonally.

  • Queen - there is one queen per side.  She may move any number of unencumbered spaces horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

  • King - there is one king per side.  The king may move in any direction one square at a time.
The game of chess ends when one side checkmates the other.  A checkmate occurs when the opponent's king is threatened, and there is no move that can be made such that the king could not be taken the next turn.
© Scott Mitchell 2004